Our Services
Services include head to toe assessment of functional movement, strength, range of motion, flexibility and stability. Treatment may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, high velocity low amplitude mobilization, modalities for pain management, and education on proper body mechanics for injury prevention.
Wellness services are most appropriate for those patients who will benefit from supervised exercise, movement, and balance training for overall health but not for a specific injury. These may include patients who have discharged from formal physical therapy and who would like the guidance of a physical therapist for a generalized exercise program.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, IASTM is an evidence based treatment utilized to reduce scar tissue, increase blood flow, assist in tendon remodeling
Acoustic sound waves that hit the skin surface and travels to a depth of about 2 inches creating ossilations in the target tissue. RPW therapy allows us to treat deeper areas that are not traditionally treated with classic hands on approaches. This stimulates blood flow, and cell growth in the damaged area leading to the regeneration of healthy tissue and bone. This treatment is non invasive and has no known adverse side effects.
RPW is an excellent option for people who have exhausted all other treatment types and/or would like to quickly reduce pain and get back to their activities they love. RPW works well for: lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), hip bursitis/ ITB syndrome, patella tendonopathy, achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff and biceps tendinopathies, impingement, and low back pain.
Mobility Collective Co will be offering 30 minute visits for Radial Pressure Wave (RPW)/ Shockwave treatments. For more acute conditions, 4-6 RPW sessions is typically recommended. For more chronic conditions, RPW may take 8-12 visits. In more extreme cases, up to 24.
Patients may report feeling soreness and a thumping sensation when the treatment head passes over dysfunctional tissues. Patients report feeling very little discomfort as it travels over healthy tissue, therefore the treatment itself can lend insight to the exact area of the problem tissue. The level of discomfort depends on the area being treated, the settings of the device and the acuity of the condition. Treatments take about 10 minutes and often pain relief is immediate.
*RPW cannot be used over total joint replacements or over an area that has cancer. Please bring in clearance from your oncologist if you have a history of cancer if you would like RPW treatment
All About Radial Pressure Wave
We Treat
80% of the population has suffered from low back pain at some point. If movement is occurring excessively in a segment, that segment can have more movement leading to more wear over time. Our goal is to improve movement at all segments to allow contribution from the entire spine to reduce pain, prevent further wear and improve quality of movement.
Sciatica as a term for nerve pain running down the leg and is not specific to one dysfunction. The cause of Sciatica can be multifactorial including, but not limited to, disc herniations, piriformis syndrome, stenosis, and nerve entrapments.
Rotator cuff tendinopathy, bursitis, impingement, biceps tendinopathy, scapular instability, AC joint arthritis, Glenohumeral arthritis, Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). If you have been doing stretches and strengthening and having no results or would like to expedite your recovery compared to traditional PT, you’ve come to the right place. If your therapist is not addressing your thoracic spine this could be part of your problem.
Check your entire cervical motion, but we differentiate upper cervical motions and mid to lower cervical motions. At the C1/C2 segment, you should have half of your rotation to allow you to turn your head to look over your shoulder. If this segment is not moving, you could be placing excessive strain in mid to lower segments, even down to your lumbar spine. We work in close collaboration with Dr. Kelly, doctor of Chiropractor and upper cervical specialist to perform a non thrust adjustment to improve upper cervical mobility using a precision orthogonal technique.
After twelve years working with a team of Orthopedic Surgeons at Ventura Orthopedics, I have extensive experience in treating rotator cuff repairs, total shoulder replacements, knee replacements, hip replacements, achilles tendon repairs, lumbar and cervical fusions, lumbar spine laminectomies, ACL reconstructions and meniscus repairs as well as collaboration with our surgeons to refine post operative protocols to better serve our patients.
Plantar fasciitis is an incredibly frustrating condition that usually occurs from having limited ankle mobility, suddenly increasing the amount you are walking and gaining weight. Plantar fasciitis typically lasts for 9 months if not longer. RPW treatment is an excellent option that can facilitate healing and reduce pain almost immediately. If you are tired of waiting it out, stretching and rolling your foot on a ball or frozen water bottle and would like to get back to activity sooner, you should consider a RPW package.
The thoracic spine is central to so many surrounding dysfunctions. If your thoracic spine does not move well, it can directly cause excessive strain and compensation at your neck, shoulders and low back. Often times improving your mobility here will result in improved scapular stability and reduction of strain of the surrounding joints.
Active people tend to suffer from over use injuries such as lateral epicondylopathy (tennis elbow), medial epicondylopathy (golfers elbow), patella tendinopathy, ITB syndrome, hip bursitis, and hamstring tendinopathies to name a few. RPW can not penetrate deep into the tissue to bring blood flow to the tendon and stimulate healing, but can significantly reduce your pain much quicker than conventional methods.
If you have achilles tendiopathy this can affect your ability to walk, negotiate stairs and participate in activities you love. The traditional treatment for this is IASTM and eccentrics for three months. RPW therapy can significantly shorten this process and get you back to participating in the activity you love, whether that be pickleball, tennis, hiking or kitesurfing.